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The Recording Session Vault
4 min read
Merry Christmas!
I want to take a moment to wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season.

The Recording Session Vault
10 min read
What inspired me to have a desire to work in the professional music recording industry?
This post describes the musical journey that inspired me to want to work as an assistant engineer with the legendary Steve Marcantonio.

The Recording Session Vault
5 min read
Blog Post #7— What do the historic studios have in their control rooms? (Part 2— The Consoles)
The Consoles: Though it has changed dramatically over time, from the 1950s to the early 2000s, every recording studio facility has had an...

The Recording Session Vault
4 min read
Blog #6— What do the major large-scale recording studios have in their facilities? (Introduction)
In this series, I am going to detail my examination of thirty major recording studios across the United States. During my review of these...

The Recording Session Vault
5 min read
Blog #5-- News and Updates to The Recording Session Vault Educational Website Project
It is great to be back into the swing of things again at The Recording Session Vault educational website project. For the first time...

The Recording Session Vault
7 min read
Blog #3— What was it like to work with the musicians who may have played on my favorite hit song?
This blog post will detail the role of session musicians in the process of making popular music.

The Recording Session Vault
8 min read
Blog #2— What impact did recording studio technologies have on my favorite singers from the past?
This question is often couched differently when I am asked about it. For example, I have had people ask me, ”Can the singers of today...

The Recording Session Vault
6 min read
Blog #1-- What journey did my favorite hit song from the past take to get to the radio?
This first blog post will discuss the journey that a song takes from conception to becoming a hit single and available to the public.
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