Ocean Way Audio
There is no studio in the history of popular music recording that has been the site of where more hit songs have been recorded than Ocean Way Recording Studios. Though I will not step into the full history of the facility, from 1958 to 1988, it was known as United Recording Studios and it was the place built by the legendary Bill Putnam who developed both the famed studio facility and a company which would eventually become the Universal Audio of today which has developed some of the most iconic professional audio products of all-time. In 1988, one of the greatest engineers to ever sit behind a console and who was already developing some fabulous products of his own— Alan Sides, purchased the studio and it became the world-famous Ocean Way Recording Studios. Today, his company Ocean Way Audio produces a wonderful ribbon microphone, fabulous software plugins and of course, some of the greatest monitor speakers in the world of professional music recording.
Which products from Ocean Way Audio that were used by the great engineers and recording studio facilities of the past would be a great fit for the educational space?
Much like Abbey Road, products being available from Ocean Way Recording Studios is something of a fairly recent phenomenon. But, for the rest of the world of professional music recording, having the ability to purchase a microphone, a software plugin, or even a monitoring system from Ocean Way Audio is a boon for the industry as a whole. It is their monitor speakers which will be briefly introduced to you in this article. There are three monitor speaker series that will be introduced in the article and each of them would be fabulous additions to any educational space.

Image: The OWA Pro3
Image courtesy-- Ocean Way Audio

Image: The OWA Pro2A
Image courtesy-- Ocean Way Audio

Image: The OWA HR3.5
Image courtesy-- Ocean Way Audio
OWA Pro3
The Ocean Way Audio Pro3 is an excellent nearfield monitor for serious recording studio facilities. Do not let its diminuitive size fool you, this monitor is extremely accurate across the entire frequency spectrum, has an excellent low-end response and sounds true to the source. It is an excellent speaker for a variety of applications including music recording, sound editing and multimedia content creation. It would be an excellent monitor for an educational space.
The Ocean Way Audio Pro2A is also an excellent nearfield monitor for serious recording studio facilities and is slightly larger than its sibling, the Pro3. Though it is larger than its sibling, it also provides you with the same amazing frequency response across the spectrum and true to the source, natural sound. But, it is also a powered speaker just like the Pro3 and offers an excellent low-end response. This speaker would be an excellent monitor for an educational space and would also be a great choice for a variety of applications.
The Ocean Way Audio HR3.5 is an excellent main monitor that is now available for recording studio facilities. It can operate on a stand, or it can be soffitt-mounted. This speaker system has an amazing frequency response— literally, across the entire spectrum. Despite their large size, these speakers can reproduce true to the source sound with both tremendous power and razor-sharp accuracy. A fabulous amplification system powers these amazing speakers. These monitors would be a great choice for an educational institution that is seeking to construct a large control room for their music recording program.
Why should an educational institution invest in products from Ocean Way Audio?
Ocean Way Audio makes excellent products that can be used in the educational space. Their monitor speakers are some of the very best that have ever been made for the purpose of recording great music. The company not only makes great products, but they also offer custom installations and though it has always been an exclusive recording studio destination, having the opportunity to work with the wonderful people at Ocean Way Audio is a treat in itself. The company is a small company which offers excellent customer service and having the opportunity to work with them would give you an opportunity to work with some of the greatest engineering minds in the history of professional music recording. Their products would be excellent additions for an educational space.
If you would like more information about Ocean Way Audio and the amazing products that were discussed in this article, please use the following links which are listed below.
The following link will take you to the Ocean Way Audio website where you can learn more about this legendary corporation and also, find an authorized dealer for their fabulous products in your area.
Special Note: Each of the images in this article appear through the courtesy and generosity of the wonderful people at Ocean Way Audio.
Special Thanks— At The Recording Session Vault Educational Website Project, we would like to take a moment to express our thanks and appreciation to Colin Leibich at Ocean Way Audio for his time and assistance with this article.