Pro Audio Design
There truly are a few companies in the world of professional music recording that do not need an introduction. Pro Audio Design is one of those companies. Established and led by Dave Malekpour— one of the truly great minds in the professional world of music recording, Pro Audio Design or PAD has been designing, equiping and maintaining some of the finest recording studio facilities in the world. The clients for PAD read like a comprehensive list of some of the biggest names in the history of popular music.
How did the legendary engineers of the past use the products that are highlighted in this article from Pro Audio Design?
Pro Audio Design is more than just a brick-and-mortar retail store, it also sells products online, as well. The company offers a wide selection of both new and used products— everything a school would need for equipping a fabulous recording studio facility. The company also designs and creates recording studio facilities from the ground up, so it is truly a one-stop shop for all of your needs. It should also be noted that Dave Malekpour is also the person behind the world-class Augsperger monitoring systems, and his company can custom create the main monitoring system for your control room. PAD has excellent educational and consulting resources and provides top-notch services to their clients around the globe.

Selection and Service
If there is a product in the world of professional music recording, you can find it at PAD, plus, it is important to keep in mind that the company also carries used equipment, as well. If you purchase a product from PAD, it’s important to note that it will have come from great advice and the relationship that you will have built with this company that will last a lifetime. Clients who purchase and or receive services from PAD do so because everything you could possibly need and some of the very best people who can design and construct it for you are all there in one location.
Image: The Pro Audio Design Website
Image courtesy-- Pro Audio Design
Why should an educational institution invest in products from Pro Audio Design?
PAD has been one of the very best places to purchase professional music recording products and services for a very long time. If you cannot find a professional audio product anywhere— then give their website a look, chances are that you can find it at PAD. For an educational institution, PAD can offer product sales, consulting, design and installation services. It is one of the very few places in the world of professional music recording where each of these facets of recording studio development can come from a single entity. The staff at PAD are friendly, courteous and extremely knowledgeable. Remember, that purchasing professional music recording products and services is a long-term investment.
The following link will take you to the Pro Audio Design website where you can learn more about this amazing company and see more of their fabulous products.
Special Note: Each of the images in this article appear through the courtesy and generosity of the wonderful people at Pro Audio Design.
Special Thanks— At The Recording Session Vault Educational Website Project, we would like to take a moment to express our thanks and appreciation to Dave Malekpour at Pro Audio Design for his time and assistance with this article.